A catalyst for Academic Exchange
On 23 August 2007, James Nie, the Standing Director of SZAID and the Design Director of Maxcon Housing (Australia) Pty. Ltd., met the DIA (Design Institute of Australia) director Mr. Geoffrey Fitzpatrick in Australia.
Entrusted by SZAID(Shenzhen Association of Interior Design), James officially invited DIA to attend the 3rd China (Shenzhen) International Interior Design Culture Festival.
Mr. Geoffrey Fitzpatrick showed great interests in it and advised that the Design Institute of Australia would attend the festival to promote the two countries’ intercommunication and cooperation.
2007年8月23日,受深圳市室内设计师协会委托, 正在澳大利亚进行商务考察活动的协会常务理事、澳洲墨尔雅设计顾问有限公司设计总监聂剑平先生专程拜访了澳大利亚设计协会理事长Geoffrey Fitzpatrick先生,并就第三届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节,向澳大利亚设计协会发出正式邀请。澳大利亚设计协会对次表现出极大的兴趣,协会理事长Geoffrey Fitzpatrick先生表示,将亲自组团参加第三届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节,促进中澳两国室内设计界的交流与合作,聂剑平一行受到澳方的热情接待。